2024 Winner W3 Podcast  Lifestyle Category
Vanilla with a Side of Kink

A podcast about

One Couple's journey into the world of kink

There is a first time for everything.

Discovering a World Beyond Vanilla

Welcome to the Vanilla with a Side of Kink.

This podcast is one couple's journey into the world of kink and polyamory and how it improved our communication with and love for each other!

It's a podcast for all you normal Joe citizens who are be-bopping around the world out there, who have some questions and some curiosities about things you don’t even know that you want to know about. 

Maybe you are looking to add some spice to your current romantic relationship. 

Maybe you have some interests in things you fear others might judge you for. 

Did you see a wacky scene in a movie that, maybe to your surprise, got some juices flowing? 

Have you read something that has piqued your interest in learning more about other ways to elicit sensations and stimulate your body and mind? 

Then Vanilla With A Side Of Kink is for you!

Dan and Renee as Carl and Ellie from the Movie Up!

Hi, we are Dan and Renee, the hosts of Vanilla with a Side of Kink! Welcome to our little corner of the internet!

vanilla with a side of kink dan and renee

Who Are We, Really?

Just like Renee and Dan, many of us go through life with specific interests, desires, and curiosities. They represent every one of us in their normalcy and their uniqueness. 

They are your everyday people with jobs, responsibilities, and a love for board games. 

Yet, they carry cards to a community you might have only heard whispers about. 

They are experienced members of the kink community, running an erotic rope bondage group. 

Their story isn't just about kink; it's about discovery, love, and understanding the depth of human relationships.

Kink: More Than What Meets the Eye

Kink might stir images of leather, ropes, and scenes from popular novels and movies. However, Renee and Dan's experiences peel back layers to reveal a much more complex and nuanced world. 

Kink involves communication, trust, and a profound sense of community. It's about exploring desires safely and consensually, pushing boundaries, and, most importantly, understanding oneself and one's partner deeper.

Your Journey and Safety in Exploration

As you navigate this newfound curiosity or deepen your understanding, know that safety, consent, and communication are the bedrock of the kink community. 

It's not about diving headfirst into unfamiliar waters but rather gradually understanding and consenting to various aspects that interest you. It's okay to have boundaries and limits; in fact, they are respected and necessary.

The Misconceptions of Kink

Renee and Dan's podcast sheds light on common misconceptions. Kink isn't an underground world shrouded in mystery and darkness. It's not solely about sex or an endless party of physical interactions. 

It's a community with values, education, and an immense respect for personal boundaries and desires. Their journey from a "vanilla" existence to one enriched with kink teaches us that exploration is personal, varied, and as unique as each individual.

Why This Matters

Why listen to a podcast about kink or read a blog post inspired by it? Because understanding the myriad ways humans express, connect, and find happiness is essential to empathy and personal growth. 

Whether kink is part of your world or not, recognizing its place in others' lives fosters a more open, accepting, and curious society.

Conclusion: Embracing Curiosity and Understanding

As Renee and Dan continue their exploration, they invite us to learn and perhaps unlearn. They encourage us to ask questions, seek understanding, and explore (safely and consensually) if we're inclined. 

If you've always considered yourself more vanilla and are just beginning to explore what other flavors life might offer, let this be a gentle introduction. The world of kink, as shared by Renee and Dan, isn't about pushing you into unknown territories but rather about enlightening the path of self-discovery. It's perfectly okay to be curious, to have questions, or to simply want to understand more about a lifestyle that might not be your own.

Approach this journey as you would any new experience — with openness, respect, and a bit of healthy curiosity. Remember, there's no pressure to redefine who you are or to step outside of what feels comfortable. Instead, allow yourself the freedom to explore these ideas, to learn about the diverse spectrum of human experience, and perhaps to find new ways of connecting with others or understanding your own desires.

Contact Us

If you have been listening and have questions about what we have been sharing or you are loving it and want to tell us, please use the form below!

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Shibari rope bondage?

Shibari rope bondage

Check out the Getting Started Class!

© Copyright 2024 - Vanilla with a side of Kink.  All Rights Reserved. 

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